
Daily Status Report

Date No. of Visitors Ratio(%)
FEB. 6th(Thu) 7,223 16.7
FEB. 7th(Fri) 5,868 13.5
FEB. 8th(Sat) 16,250 37.4
FEB. 9th(Sun) 14,087 32.4
Total 43,428 100.0
Daily Status Report

Type of Visitors

Description No. of Visitors Ratio(%)
Membership 39,571 91.1
On-site Registration 2,720 6.2
Invitation 835 1.9
Others 302 0.8
Total 43,428 100.0
Type of Visitors

Visitors - Age Group

Age Group No. of Visitors Ratio(%)
10s 34 0.1
20s 1,702 3.9
30s 31,178 71.8
Above 40s 10,514 24.2
Total 43,428 100.0
Visitors - Age Group

Registration status

Region No. of Visitors Ratio(%)
Seoul 20,984 48.3
Gyeonggi 13,875 31.9
Incheon 1,734 4.0
Others 6,835 15.8
Total 43,428 100.0
Registration status

Pregnant Woman by Region

Region No. of Visitors Ratio(%)
Seoul 7,878 50.5
Incheon / Gyeonggi 6,505 41.8
Daejeon / Chungcheong 560 3.5
Gangwon 315 2.0
Gwangju / Jeolla-do 122 0.8
Sejong City 76 0.5
Busan / Gyeongnam 55 0.4
Daegu / Gyeongbuk 51 0.3
Jeju 28 0.2
Others 2 0.0
Total 15,592 100.0
Pregnant Woman by Region

Status of EDD (Expected Date of Delivery)

Expected Month No. of childbirth Ratio(%)
02/2025 523 3.4
03/2025 2,031 13.0
04/2025 2,765 17.7
05/2025 3,087 19.8
06/2025 2,504 16.1
07/2025 1,788 11.5
08/2025 1,041 6.7
09/2025 674 4.3
10/2025 486 3.1
11/2025 359 2.3
12//2025 334 2.1
Total 15,592 100.0
Status of EDD (Expected Date of Delivery)

Status of Baby

  • Status of Baby
  • Status of Baby

47rd BeFe Babyfair Gallary